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Saturday 17 September 2016

Mam"oirs" (#2): random stories of me & mam

Mam always called my dad "baba", my aunt calls her husband "Rob" (short for Robert), my other aunt calls her husband "sweedy".

Like  the cheeky child that that I am, sometimes I wonder what I'll call "my boss" when and if I eventually get married.

There's bobo, baba(-lawo), boo boo,...


The possibilities are endless!

Little foxes

If I drop a piece of paper in the street & keep walking, my conscience convicts me. So I have learned to quickly turn around and pick whatever I have dropped. It may sound extreme but being Faithful in little things is important to God.
Songs of Solomon 2:15 says that it is the "little foxes" that spoil the vineyard.
When we are willing to be Faithful & obedient in little things, then God can trust us to be Faithful over much greater things. (Matthew 25:14-23)


Tired from walking long
And weary from working hard
I trudge along this jagged road called life
Where thorns grow
Alongside beautiful flowers
And snakes dwell
Among the doves
Where fire berths
Alongside calm refreshing water
And wolves dwell
Among sheep.

If wishes were...

I wish I could live my life
Devoid of fear
Far away from pain and rejection
Close to love and peace of mind.

I wish I was invisible
Only then would I escape unpleasant situations
That tend to overwhelm me
And make me feel blue

I wish I could forget the past
And face the Future
With hope in my heart
And a smile on my face

I wish I was an angel
Giving hope to the hopeless
And lending a helping hand
To those in need.

I wish...

My canvas

My eyes sting from crying
Tears fall freely amidst the pain.
My heart lurches within me
The pain is so unbearable.
I cant help but think
I long for the good old days
When everything was gay.
Now all I see is a blur
I'm bored looking at it all day
So I take a paint brush
And paint
Paint away the pain
Paint away the sorrow

Now all I can see a wonderful masterpiece

- the FUTURE!

The greats...!

I hear,
Everyday, and in every clime
Stories of men who prevailed
And rose to become "great"
Where does this leave me?
Alone rusting in a corner?
I will arise
Above my imperfections,
Above the pain,
In order that I might become
In due course,
One of "the greats"


My decision

I've decided to take life as it comes.
That's not to say
I wont plan for rainy days.

I've decided to be happy.
That's not to say
Life is free from sorrow.

I've decided to live right
That's not to say
Temptation doesn't lurk.

I've decided to trust God implicitly
That's not to say
Troubles don't come my way.

Its by his mercies
that we are not consumed.

So I've decided to count my blessings instead.


mam"oirs" (#1) :random stories of me & mam

My mam is a really peculiar woman. She's so meticulous to the point that she'd ask me to wipe the sides of a very flat slipper so she can wear it out.
I mean, who does that?
Who is looking at the side of the slipper sef?
Its well o!

Hope I'd be that meticulous someday!

Friday 16 September 2016

"Face em"

When I was little, I loved to play. My neighbour had these little wild wiener dogs that were always chained. But one day, to my chagrin, I heard RUFFRUFFRUFFRUFFRUFF. It didn't sound like it was coming from afar off. I looked and saw a fat brown wiener dog making a dash at me nipping at my heels. Instead of facing the little turd, I got scared and took off sprinting back into my house.
The dang thing came out of nowhere & completely startled me. Then the random sprint sent me into a wheezing fit as I tried to slow my breathing. Eventually, I found my pace again but it took a while before I'd go out comfortably without searching every nook and cranny to make sure there was no dog lurking nearby. Even today, I'm still scared of dogs but it got me thinking; just when we are getting  comfortable, strong and steady at the pace in the race of life, those darn things come barking out of nowhere. Most of the times, we can't help but sprint away in fear & it takes a toll on our pace in the race. We've all been chased by wiener dogs but in Christ we have the power to turn around, face the little pest and say NO! SIT! And we can run with endurance the race set before us.
So breathe!
Lace up!
And keep going.