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Thursday 25 October 2018

Live a little

I'd like to think of myself as a writer. But most times when I put a pen to a book, I can't seem to decide on exactly what to write about. Its like there's this war of words going on in my head evoking a myriad of motions too conflicting to handle. So I pull my pen away & live to fight another day. Or maybe its just because I'm scared that it won't be good enough.

Admitting this fear is no fun because it exposes my raw hide & leaves so many parts of me vulnerable and prey to any psychotic stalker.  Okay... Maybe I exaggerated... my point is, sometimes you have to be hard on yourself & for good reason too. I wonder if there is such a thing as being too hard on yourself because I've been called stiff several times & it wasn't pretty. 8 out of 10 times it was to do something shady.

Sometimes safety can be a good thing. Other times, it confines, limits & restricts you. So break out of your comfort zone. Leave your pillow. Do something that scares the hell outta you - sing at the top of your lungs, go bungee jumping, speak in front of a crowd, say hi to a stranger, travel...

Live a little

Saturday 1 October 2016

7 steps to greater fulfillment

Have you ever asked yourself what it means to be fulfilled? According to the Wordbook Dictionary, “fulfilled” means to be “completed to perfection.” When you reach the state of fulfillment, there is literally nothing more you want or could ask for. You believe you have everything that sustains you physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Practice these strategies to increase your feelings of fulfillment:
1. Listen to your internal self. Recognize that how you want your life to be is more important than anyone else’s ideas, dreams, or advice for your future. What do you say to yourself? Your thoughts and feelings matter greatly.

2. Find a way to get paid for doing what makes you happy. Because work is one-third or more of your life, loving your work is integral to living a fulfilled existence. Refrain from worrying about what others think of your job. If your career piques your interest, gets you excited, imparts new knowledge, and builds your self-confidence, you have a winner. In the event you feel you’ve gone a bit stale on your job, ask yourself, what do you love to do? Work with numbers? Paint a picture? Write children’s stories? When you think about it, you might be able to develop an income stream from doing those things.

3. Investigate your options. When a chance to make life-changing decisions comes your way, how do you handle it? A thorough review of each option will help you imagine how you’ll be affected if you choose that avenue. Make it a point to examine options that can open up your life in ways you have yet to consider. This is your chance to discover how to move closer toward personal success and a life that is more enriching than you ever dreamed of.

4. If you require more education or training, do it without hesitation. Many let their age get in the way of additional knowledge-building or say they lack the time necessary. But if you want fulfillment, it’s important to move forward in ways that deliver what you really want to achieve in life. So, go ahead and take that course, training, or skill-building seminar.

5. Choose positivity. Make a conscious decision as soon as you wake up to have a positive attitude and make today the best day ever. You get to decide how you’ll handle the disaster of the moment. Will you lose your edge or carry through to the best resolution possible?

6. Treat others how you’d like to be treated. One of the most challenging things about life is to realize what goes around comes around. If you consistently look for the good in others, ignore the less-than-positive in them, and send out empathy and respect, the rewards you receive back will be great.

7. Find a role model. It can be incredibly life-enhancing to discover an individual that behaves in ways that you honor and respect. Dream big when it comes to deciding who you want to be like. People like Nelson Mandela, Joseph Campbell, the Dalai Lama, or Billy Graham can provide you with a wonderful personal pathway to follow. However, maybe your grandfather, Aunt Mary, or a neighbor who has more love for others than you can imagine also provide beautiful examples of the person you want to be. Whatever the case, having an image in your mind of someone you believe is a fascinating individual provides........................................................................................................................................ toward. Applying these methods will help you create a life that pleases you. Your life is an adventure that you can live with intention, a penchant for discovery, and challenge. Make each day count, starting now. Your fulfilling life awaits you.

Saturday 17 September 2016

Mam"oirs" (#2): random stories of me & mam

Mam always called my dad "baba", my aunt calls her husband "Rob" (short for Robert), my other aunt calls her husband "sweedy".

Like  the cheeky child that that I am, sometimes I wonder what I'll call "my boss" when and if I eventually get married.

There's bobo, baba(-lawo), boo boo,...


The possibilities are endless!

Little foxes

If I drop a piece of paper in the street & keep walking, my conscience convicts me. So I have learned to quickly turn around and pick whatever I have dropped. It may sound extreme but being Faithful in little things is important to God.
Songs of Solomon 2:15 says that it is the "little foxes" that spoil the vineyard.
When we are willing to be Faithful & obedient in little things, then God can trust us to be Faithful over much greater things. (Matthew 25:14-23)


Tired from walking long
And weary from working hard
I trudge along this jagged road called life
Where thorns grow
Alongside beautiful flowers
And snakes dwell
Among the doves
Where fire berths
Alongside calm refreshing water
And wolves dwell
Among sheep.

If wishes were...

I wish I could live my life
Devoid of fear
Far away from pain and rejection
Close to love and peace of mind.

I wish I was invisible
Only then would I escape unpleasant situations
That tend to overwhelm me
And make me feel blue

I wish I could forget the past
And face the Future
With hope in my heart
And a smile on my face

I wish I was an angel
Giving hope to the hopeless
And lending a helping hand
To those in need.

I wish...

My canvas

My eyes sting from crying
Tears fall freely amidst the pain.
My heart lurches within me
The pain is so unbearable.
I cant help but think
I long for the good old days
When everything was gay.
Now all I see is a blur
I'm bored looking at it all day
So I take a paint brush
And paint
Paint away the pain
Paint away the sorrow

Now all I can see a wonderful masterpiece

- the FUTURE!